We provide our expertise in assisting you in maximizing learning outcomes and enjoyment in nature. Here are just a few examples: creating a schoolyard habitat and how to use it to meet curriculum expectations; coordinating field trips and over night experiences for your group or organization; creating hands-on, take-home, interactive lessons and activities ("adventure boxes") for students and scouts. Contact us. Let's work together to enhance your program and/or space.

Habitat Gardening Workshop
Watching wildlife is not only an enjoyable pastime, it's a great way to learn and connect with nature in an easily reachable location - bring the wildlife to you and make the world a better place at the same time. There is no better way than to transform your yard, schoolyard, gathering area, or any part of it, no matter how much or how little space you have, into a habitat for wildlife. In this workshop we’ll go through where to start: assessing location, how to design an area for wildlife, and what plants and other features will attract wildlife and make them feel at home in your habitat garden. Then we'll round out with resources: organizing volunteers, finding funds, and keeping it growing.

Field Trip to Your Schoolyard
Getting students outside for learning has shown to have incredible benefits on academic scores, student engagement and positive behaviors, as well as having opportunities for authentic learning experiences that better connect the cross-cutting concepts and core curriculum standards to students' understanding.
Couple this workshop with Habitat Gardening Workshop for a focus on creating an outdoor learning center (no matter how big or small your space is) and/or How to Teach Nature Journaling, and you’re on your way to accelerate all facets of learning.

How to Teach Nature Journaling
This workshop is based on the book by same name, written by John Muir Laws. Nature journaling increases students' understanding of concepts by having them use words, pictures, and numbers to describe what they notice, wonder and ask questions, and connect it all to what they have learned and experienced before. We will look at how to begin taking your students outside for a learning experience (vs. play), how to encourage a growth mindset, and provide some tips and tools that will enhance learning in all subject areas and making learning fun!

Green Eggs and Sand
The GE&S workshop focuses on promoting understanding the issues, the science and the management of the horseshoe crab/shorebird controversy. Workshop participants learn from top researchers and natural managers in the field, as well as get to visit a horseshoe crab spawning beach.
Educators and natural resource managers from Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey developed the curriculum, and designed it for use with middle and high school students. It is broken down into four modules that introduce students to the lives of horseshoe crabs, their extraordinary history, ecological niche, interrelationships with other species and the challenges of managing horseshoe crabs.
Programs run year round in the field or at your facility.
Check our Calendar for upcoming Events, Workshops & Adventures!